Compliment, but Set Boundaries

Since you have chosen to read this, your color is Brown. 

Brown is, of course, the color of soil and so it is very “earthy”. You need to become more aware of your connection to boundaries and balance and strive to create more of both in your life. You can also revive your energy and creativity with brown.

Think of ways and areas you need to set boundaries. Think of ways and in what areas in your life you should have more balance. List a few and work on them this week.

Your affirmation to repeat (while acting on the ways you’ve listed) is, 

“ I chose to create boundaries and balance in my life. I listen to my own guidance and respect myself, value myself and love myself”.

Do you have a picture which illustrates the color Brown which we can use to decorate this article? If so, we’ll give you photo credit and link it to your website. Use our contact form and we’ll reply via email for you to attach your jpg photo and web link.

If you would like answers to your questions or have comments about the Color Reveal Brown, please place them below. If you want to know specifically how Brown can be used in your own life specifically, I suggest that you consider a single Color Reveal Session or other coaching option. For details and fees, please visit

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*PLEASE NOTE: The author is not a doctor or lawyer and is not dispensing medical or legal advice. If you have a need in either area, please seek professional assistance. Also, if and when you purchase a product or service on this page, the author and/or owner of this site may receive remuneration in exchange for researching, compiling and presenting it here.