Compliment yourself, for a "change"!

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Here is your Free Chapter from the book: 7 Days to Wealth

VISIT HERE FOR STEP 6 DAY 6; to do these steps in order.

Missed step/day 5? VISIT HERE FOR STEP 5 DAY 5, to do these steps in order.

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The sixth step in 7 Days to Wealth is… 

Read your written statement out loud, twice daily; once when you get up immediately in the morning (yes, even before you get out of bed) and then at night, just before going to sleep. 

Dear reader, first let me congratulate you for coming this far. You are an incredible person. Persistence, consistency, commitment, and tenacity are not traits easily learned but can be earned. By reaching Day 6 (or step 6) you truly have proven yourself as one who is earnest and you will definitely be rewarded. Believe me, this method has worked for others, for centuries, over and over again and will indeed work for you!


Now, let’s move on to the sixth step.

Allow me to add just a bit to this step; to clarify and enhance its potential to work for you; as it has for me.

To “Read your written statement out loud, twice daily”, you may want to create two handwritten statements on 3 x 5 cards; one to leave at your bedside and the other to carry with you. Read this second card during your midday and throughout your day for greater, lazar-like focus.

What you focus on; good, 
bad or indifferent, grows. 

Grow what you want
and grow “good”. 

Sow “good”, realize good. 

Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Then, every time you read your statement, feel good. Yes, please pay attention to this. You really need to “feel” good.

     Feel "energized".

          Feel thankful.

               Feel “as if” you already have what it is that you are seeking.

Feel all of that. It really is about "feeling". 

Do you see the pattern in the above sentences? Of course, you do; it’s all about “feeling”. You get more of what you are feeling. You won’t always “feel” good throughout your day. You may hear of “bad” news or something “bad” may come your way. When it does, bless it and the “let it go”. Focus on “good” such as good outcomes, good desires, and good feelings. Focus on what you want, and not on what you don’t want. You get what you focus on.

When you get a bill, rejoice because you are or have realized the benefit of what that bill represents. Now, focus your thoughts on the amount of money you want to manifest with this 7 Days to Wealth System.

When you hear of an “ill”, do what you can do in your power to do and move on. Pray for that person, use your power to “heal” that person or situation and then move forward. And again, focus your thoughts on the amount of money you want to manifest with this 7 Days to Wealth System.

You can only empathize and sympathize with others for so long. If you want to actually do something to help others, first help yourself so you can help others. Certainly, where you are now, you can help in some ways, but when you know how to use this focus your thoughts on the amount of money you want to manifest with this 7 Days to Wealth System, over and over you can help others in bigger ways. And remember, this system is not all about “money”; it is about “wealth” and I’ll show you later how to use it to achieve abundance in every area of your life.

So when you have a “bill” or an “ill” do what you can with it and move on by concentrating on something you can do something about. And that something is reading your statement 3 times daily, improving your outcome in life and your life’s outcome.

Always be doing something each day
to improve your life’s income
to increase your legacy’s outcome. 

Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

You know, we’ve really gotten away from our feelings, it seems. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me” may rhyme, but it is a “crime”; especially when it is your own words! Your feelings are so important. Be sure to protect your feelings because what you are feeling, especially when “feeling good” is your key to realizing your “good” future.

Bad feelings will bring on more bad in your life.
Poor feelings produce poor fruit.
Good and exuberant feelings bring more zest in your life to live a more full and abundant life.

That’s what you want, isn’t it?

     That’s why you are investing in yourself for these 7 days, isn’t it?

          I think it is!

Would it surprise you if I told you that the best way (or at least one of the very best ways) to help someone in need would be to share this system with others? They can get every one of these 7 steps online by starting here. Simply copy and share this link with them!

I’ve even used this link in my email signature to share it with many people. You may come up with creative ways to share this system. I like giving away things of value, don’t you?

I look forward in great anticipation to when we'll be together when I share step 7. It may surprise you! Until then, make it a great day! Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach

Each of these 7 “chapters” is meant to give value on its own. After reading each, you will be equipped to do something to improve your life path to gaining “more” for your journey. Read the chapter several times, take notes in a journal and meditate and really think about what you’ve just read. Share the information or your thoughts with others. These steps can only make you a better person and you’ll certainly be ready for the next and following material. 

If the following link is not “clickable”, then the next chapter, “tomorrow” is not yet published. Please be patient and return here to see when it is available or better still, use the contact us form and request Ter Scott’s MMM e-letter which shares updates, ideas and related things you are sure to like. You’ll also receive special and exclusive offers by the author by doing so. 

To move to the next chapter, please click here. 

How would you like to make a difference in someone’s life, right now, today? These seven steps are available free starting with this link: 

You can share it with your group, as a freebie with your membership, or sale of a product or service or whatever. I do ask however that you do so with integrity and honesty, do not “spam” others, or hurt others in any way and that you make sure that this is “relevant” for your readers and customers. Share this link: 

Also, for readers of this article, please feel free to leave your thoughts, comments, and questions in the comment section below and use the social media buttons to share. Thanks! 

If you've read this article, you'll no doubt enjoy reading Joe Vitale's Millionaire materials here

  • Wake up with the incredible Awakened Millionaire Mindset each day that fills you with joy, enthusiasm, and serenity... and each day will be a new journey of transformation... READ MORE

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