Are you “others” minded? In other words, if you are hoarding toilet paper, I hope you are sharing some with others.

Being excited about how you'll help others tomorrow
gets you to living better today.
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Complimenting others is not only done 
with our words and our mouths; 
it is also with our actions. 
Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

And the best way to get excited is to get our minds off ourselves and what it is that we want, and “need” and get our minds on how to give to others what they want and “need”. (I put the word “need” in parenthesis because no one truly “needs” anything; maybe food, water and shelter but beyond those three things which most of us reading this already have, we don’t need anything. You can read my other materials where I address words like “need” for a better understanding of what I’m getting at).

Regardless whether you work for yourself, someone else or even if you are retired, this week you will interact with others and when you prepare the week with some planning and visualization as to what you might expect to realize when doing all of this interaction with the consideration of what these others may be searching for, your path will become smoother and your pocketbook a bit heavier.
In selling anything, for example, we merely find out what others want and then we find ways to get it to them and in the transaction we make a profit. This profit may be in the way of money, but we will also find profitable relationships as well.

Most people’s lives have some routine to them and a regular cast of characters so run through tomorrow’s routine and cast, or at least part of it and ask what this person or these people are seeking. What about your regular customers or the type of customer you serve, how can you serve them better? How can you raise the value you give which in turn raises your value to them? How can you change your usual “ordinary” into the uncommon “extraordinary”?  Who will you make it an effort to inspire this week? How will you make a difference? And how will you, as I like to say, “Live a life and leave a legacy”?

This week’s assignment is being specific with the above. Let’s start with doing this for just one day and with just one person. As you become better at this, you can do this for more days and a larger “cast”.

Choose just one day; perhaps tomorrow, Monday.

I will conduct this assignment on ____________________.

Choose just one person; it can be a regular from your daily cast of characters or if you are in sales for instance, it may be someone you haven’t yet met, but you’ve met this “type” of cast member before so you have an idea of what he or she is like and what their “wants” are.

The person I will concentrate my doing good for is ____________________. (Please don’t misunderstand, you are not “changing” anyone, you are changing you by improving “you” in offering better service, and more.

Now fill in the blanks as best as you can for now. Take some time on this and really enjoy it. How would you like to be treated if you were this person? Get in the mind and life of this person and think of how this person might be searching for what it is that you can offer and will offer by way of “over the top” service.

I once stayed at a hotel which was absolutely miserable. I flew to the location (about 10 hours with delays), rented a car (which had a SNAFU), and I checked in late at night (and the hotel screwed things up); it wasn’t my day for sure. And the place was miserable. But I stayed there for a whole week because I was training from sun up to sun down and I thought that I didn’t really have the time to explore other places and that every place looks the same with the lights off. To top off the week, I left a nice pair of slacks hanging in the closet (I guess I was in somewhat of a rush to leave there). Here is where the hotel management could have redeemed their poorly run place (at least partly). If they were going through this exercise which you are doing now, they may have thought of this. Since they had my address and phone number, they certainly could have shipped my slacks to me with a thank you note. I would love to live vicariously as the owner of every business in America but the closest thing to doing this is to be a coach to wonderful readers like you.

How can I and how will I serve this person better?

How can I raise my value to this person?

How can I and how will I serve this person in an “extra” special way; going above and beyond the usual?

(If you are employed, I would suggest that you do something which I learned from Zig Ziglar, “Do more than what you are paid and you’ll soon be paid more for what you do”. Remember, you don’t “do” this for your employer; you “do” this for “You”. “You” is always watching and “You” will improve yourself right out of that position into a better one).

How will you “inspire” this person?

How will you “make a difference”?

When you take some serious time in answering these questions, seriously carry them out you’ll see some serious and positive changes in your life, in your pocketbook and in all areas of your “Major 8™”.

Can you see how having a plan such as this can create some anticipation and excitement in starting your week? I truly trust that it will. If you think so, before starting your week put a “Heck yeah” in the comment section below.

For those who complete this “assignment” you can essentially receive my coaching at “no fee”. Simply place your questions and comments in the box after this article and I will reply shortly. If you would like details on personal one on one coaching, use the Contact Form on this page.

Would you like to book Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™ 
to present at your next event? Please use the contact form on this page to inquire.  

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